Jun 5, 2010

Summer ...

Well since it's summer, and I can't help but explore outside for some new things to venture into. I made a promise to put away old negative vibes and concentrate on the new. So Hopefully I'll be able to go next week to the botanical gardens go snap a few photo's of the different varieties of flowers to hopefully inspire me to wax poetic and transcribe it here. I will meditate there into a mantra and hopefully no passersby won't mistake me for a lunatic and decide to call the "twinkie wagon" replete with a couple of good humor men in white clothing and drag me away with their huge net.

Hopefully I won't also get stuck on a hill that they have over there on my electric wheelchair yet once again. Last time I went over there that happened and the garden was closed. Thank goodness I had my cell phone with me and I was able to call a company rep who had helped me out with that dilemma.

Recently I been worshiping the sun god, and I am getting tanned day by day. Results are good. By the time at the end of August I should look just as roasted as a Perdue turkey at Thanksgiving. It's about time too. I haven't gotten a tan in years.

Other than that, I got things to do next week that I will attend to. Nothing important, just seeing my doctor and stuff. I'll you posted and tell you whatever updates that I may have dear reader.

'Till then; "Tah-Tah" for now.

Apr 6, 2010

This is to clear the air once and for all on something that's getting kinda old!

This is directed to those so called: fair weather "friends" that took me off their "friends list" in a social website.

"False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade."

I often wonder why I can be there for so many and they are so important to me, but sometimes it seems no one is there for me and I mean so little.

I just want to clarify things that are happening as of late for one last time, and that I will NO LONGER bring it up again. Like I've stated in my last blog, I've said that I wanted to pay homage to a great guy: David Thompson. AKA "Ind06" of Propeller. I took the measure of going in there under an assumed name. I went there because I couldn't bear to NOT GO, and not say something to the man for the good things that he did. So I did go to a couple of post's and gave my eternal respects to the man, made some comments, pos - voted his fellow buddies comments, "propped" the post's, and all that. Y'know; for that one, sole, purpose, to bring a sense of closure. Afterwards; I decided to peruse around Propeller, and see if I wanted to come back in full time like I used to (I didn't) and came across a post from some member named:"Clipontie" or something like that.

It was a post that I was reading regarding the possibility of AOL's affiliate: Propeller going down the tubes, and the members went down there as usual to politicize the whole post as I scrolled on down further on that thread; I noticed my real name was being used by parties in a negative fashion in a public forum of all things!

Replete with vulgar character assassinations thrusted upon me by my cyber foes such as:"EagleEye" and "N2N:"aka "The craggy, and wrinkled ol' vultures." Now this post was made a month and a half ago, but despite the lapse of time. I figured that being a native "New Yawkah." I wasn't going to let blatant falsehoods stain my character unchallenged without a firm rebuttal. After all, I do have my pride, self respect, and my dignity to consider, and defend at that!

These vile, and cancerous comments made by them pertained to an incident that happened back in December 11th, of '09 that still eats at these former friends; now bitter, small-minded, social psychopaths, to this very day. I won't get into the nuts and bolts of that post because three of the participants involved in this skirmish that had dragged me into it, saw to it that I was "hard-banned" by their fellow chief asinine butthole: "Ryan" the imbecilic administrator of Propeller, whom I compare to a skid mark in a Hanes world. So you'll never see what I've written there verbatim in my rebuttal of the actual facts to show you my own take of this whole matter you see; N2N, EE, and their fellow co-hort: "MeanMrMustard" saw to it to suppress the truth via a censorship of me. In doing so, you cannot read what I was trying to convey, and counter their charges but I did absolutely nothing to merit a TOU or even a ban! "Honest Injun, cross my heart, and hope to die!" Nothing!

Let me just state that I just won't be a measly punching bag for someone else's spiteful bitterness, that I'll defend my honor, and integrity in any social website like Propeller, OR in real life too. I'm not some cowardly 'cyber bully ' or stalker who looks for trouble, as these same foes are charging me with, but I won't run away from trouble either. I don't appreciate people telling LIES, and making up stories about me on a stupid incident that happened Last year, and wasn't MY fault to begin with, to talk behind my back, and especially when I'm NOT around to defend myself. I simply won't have it! & neither would you if you had any self pride or good sense. I won't simply go into it again with this exercise of boorish redundancy. I've simply stated what actually had happened between the parties and myself in my earlier blogs; (I've since had taken them off however because it was getting all worn out like an old shoe, and I needed to move on forward with my life. Not stagnate in this muck, and mire in that whole scenario all over again!)

You know, after all this time, it's amazing to me that they are still bothered by that old ancient incident that was perpetrated by them. You'd think they would get over it by now. Why are they still bringing it up to THIS day? I, for one, had gotten over it, and moved on. It reminds me of what some famous Roman philosopher (Ovid) once said: "When a person is wrong and won't admit it, they're always angry."

Seems like they do however; have free license to say whatever they want about me, despite my NOT being there to repudiate the charges with their vitriolic hyperbole being mean spirited, and false with their accusations of me, & yet however, I have NO RIGHT to offer so much as a rebuttal to refute the charges against me w/o suffering some unjust, and undue ramifications that was thrusted upon me by my so-called ex-"friends" leaving me in droves in another social website besides Propeller, also resulting in a TOU, and a "hard ban" in Propeller to boot! Politics...IMO the Cons and the Libs are just as bad as each other, and I couldn't care less about both political GOP machines to tell you the truth.

Where was the outrage, the indignation, and protestations from my then "friends" when these trouble makers perpetrated the whole ball of wax rolling down when they mentioned my real name in a public website, and raked me through the hot coals over a month and a half ago in Propeller?

Why didn't they stick up for me then? & chastised the perpetrators for their low class social internet bad behavior? Take THEM off their "buddy's list"? I mean...HULLOOOOO! I guess they've made their choices as to who they want as friends, & whom they DON'T want... (me)

I can tell you one thing. I won't be back in Propeller again. As I've stated on before in here, and in my temporary profile (now gone) in Propeller, that I was simply there to pay my respects to a dear friend who is now gone. I did, and I left Propeller & in doing so, I won't let certain personalities get in the way of my principles anymore.

Now the pea-brained, thin-skinned, morally bereft, delusional, emotionally disturbed; offensive perpetrators that participated in this fandango can feel free to post whatever BS comments that they want to say about me in Propeller all that they want now. It's not important anymore. It's rather moot, impertinent and inconsequential at this point. I got better things to do with my life. In a way, I really pity them.

Hey... It's not it's the end of the world for me if those other "friends" involved don't want to deal with me anymore in cyber space. I still sleep good at night, I don't cry tears over this crap, I don't miss any meals, & I'm still volunteering in the real world to make people less fortunate than me happy, and grateful for my presence, servicing them, that people in the real world appreciate, and like my company. I still lead a productive life. That's what's REALLY IMPORTANT.

I don't spend ALL DAY in front of a pc monitor, and waste my time being childish, immature, and petty like other small minded people. Seems like they got too much time on their hands if you ask me, they need a hobby.
Like: "Wah!Wah!Wah!" I mean, do you want me to call a "Wah"-bulence? Do you want ketchup, and fries with that "Wah"-burger? My,my, EE, N2N, and MMM aren't you three "Wah" -derful. Now you have plenty of company to share your crying towels too; WAAAAAAH!!!! You all deserve each other no doubt.

"MeanMrMustard" aka "Mntmn444"; I did what I did in 'outing' you in Propeller in that post because I really believe that you conspired with a wacko female nut-job in that other "social website" two weeks ago to cause a rift between me, and yet another former "friend" of mine, through lies, and deceit with your chicanery. I'd just thought while I was in Propeller and reading the garbage being said about me by your two fellow homely turkey buzzards co-horts: (EE and n2n) that I'd get even with you. You don't like payback? Well then don't be lookin' for it! and don't you ever dare threaten me again with physical harm via your email, and have the utter gall to call me of being a F'ing cyber punk, and a bully in the same sentence that is hilarious in all it's irony, and it's absurdity in your context! If anything, it's more of the reverse. As a so-called man, your just a plain joke. Remember: "Macho does not prove mucho".... "pendejo."

Tell me, do you have any children? Or has your wife remained faithful?

Maybe I'll call your ISP, report you, and have you banned altogether. I still have those nasty emails that you've wrote to me so you better watch out what you say creep. Yeah, your real tough talking to a guy that YOU KNOW has a disability, and is in a wheelchair, w/o a leg. I bet you kicked little old ladies down the stairs just for laughs when you were younger right?

Your just a miserable two bit punk in a man's body. You don't impress me at all..."tough guy." ( & to think that I've tried twice to be your friend. Boy! Was that stupid on my part I admit. I'm ecstatic that you've turned me down both times. What a mistake that would've been!)

If anything; Thanks for turning me down....twice! (Party Time!)

With that said; any one of you who chooses sides, and went against me rather than do the proper thing; that is: mediate between the parties; or stay quiet and neutral in the background. Well guess what? I am not missing any of you as well. It's just a pitiful testimony to your warped sense of good taste/judgment, and I, for one don't need you either Period! I don't sweat you, nor lose sleep over you or skip meals over false friends like you to tell you the truth. Your all too bobble-headed "cliquish," and too "standoffish" to suit my taste to tell you the truth.

Some of you even ignored me, and kept me out of your interactive social periphery when we were all friends anyway. So what am I truly missing from not being friends with you at all? Nada!Nothing!Zip! A bunch of like-minded, self centered, welded together, stuck-up individuals with a "herd" mentality..."MOOOOOO!" It's a crying shame that none of you cannot think independently for yourselves; just "monkey see, monkey do." Follow the status quo like elephants grabbing each other's tail and aimlessly shuffling around in no particular direction like vapid zombies.

In fact; I'm really more concerned about the New York Yankees this year than all of you together!

I mean; there's just too many fakers and haters in the Internet, & who needs that?

REAL FRIENDS DON'T pick, and choose SIDES! That there's always TWO sides to every coin, or didn't your parents instill that in you? I'm not even given the benefit of a doubt? Or any inquiry as to MY side of the story? This after what was initiated by the real guilty parties involved, and after 3 1/2 years of knowing each other in Propeller that long. (I guess I really didn't know you people at all. Your dark side that is.) Yep! I've known these folks through Propeller for about 3 1/2 years, and just when you really think you know people through the web? You really don't. Your best bet is to stick with real friends in the real world, because you just don't know who your really dealing with in cyberspace. That's the lesson I've learned here.There are however, exceptions to the rule.

"Good judgment comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment."

(Well I, for one, had my share of bad judgment calls from false friends in the Internet. Within THIS situation here. I hope to pick, and scrutinize my friends a little more carefully next time, and be a little more discriminating in my choices.) & guess what "friends"?

YOU'VE JUST FOUND OUT that it doesn't PAY
to mess with a well seasoned, and tough New Yawkah! So heed that and take some good advice: If in New York City, watch out who your messing around with, or you'll get it back sevenfold, and in spades! Your best is to stay back in the sticks, boon docks or wherever else came you from. You wanted to see my bad side, and get the worst from me? Well now you've gotten it, so how does it taste? Good? How do you like me now? (like I give a damn)

But thanks for showing me your true colors, and especially showing me your real face.
All two of them!

"God hath given you one face, and you make yourselves another.
(William Shakespeare)

Good bye and good riddance!

...if you don't want to hear the truth...don't ask.
Instead, just stand back and take a good look at your life!

To my real true blue friends who stuck by me through thick and thin, for better or worse.

Thanks loads from the bottom of my heart! You guys are top aces!

Bless you for being there for me, having the good foresight, good taste, and wisdom to see through the bull crap being thrown around concerning me, and not giving in nor falling for false malicious gossip brought upon me by those misguiding original trouble makers!

*NOTE* I hope to put more blogs here that are more on the positive side, and on the upbeat in the near future, and not so bitterly negative as I needed to clear the air here, and have my last two cents towards my so-called former friends who needed an opening up of a whole literate-wise 'can of whoop ass.' This chapter is definitely over! Their loss~ I'm BOSS!

Life is still good! ~ No worries mate!

Hope to see you soon dear reader!


Apr 2, 2010

"Indy's Song"

A song with a twist I admit. I borrowed it. To memorialize a dear friend who passed on March 30th 2010. David Thompson was truly one in a million that I was fortunate enough to know in the 3 1/2 years that I've had in Propeller before I left.

He was a man who loved life, loved people with an open heart with no prejudices,
no malice, & no limitations whatsoever. His simple devotion for all that he came in contact with his love in friendship was free and unconditional.

A brave young man who KNEW he had a disease in his system that was eating him alive day~ by~ day, yet faced his pain with a brave countenance. He never complained. Never felt sorry for himself, and never let his dire circumstances let him down. He knew since 1997, that he was diagnosed with brain cancer, and with each visit to DR's. Each and every specialist gave him less and less time to live. But how Dave manage to have a strong constitution, and survived up until recently was a miracle in itself! A profile in courage indeed!

His father died last year, to which he related to me in subsequent phone conversations that I've had with him, but asked me not to reveal his troubles to anybody. But I could tell it was sadly weighing in on him, and in that, I think was the beginning of the downward spiral turn of his health problems.

He loved the members of Propeller, and Propeller members, in turn, reciprocated in kind. No one... Yes! Not a one in Propeller had anything negative to say about him. Dave Thompson (Ind06) always had kindness, respect, and empathy for everyone. No matter who they were. Even those few Propeller members who dwelled in the negative liked, and admired his loving character as Indy was never pretentious in any way, he had great qualities in his personal makeup in every way, shape, & form. What you see is what you got from Dave.

To those that didn't know him very well or at all.

Well, all I can say is, it's unfortunate that you've missed out on what a wonderfully delightful soul he was. Not to mention his warmth, charm, intelligence, and especially his wit, and sense of humor to which always brought the house down in Propeller with frivolity and laughter. He made everyone feel positive, and upbeat about themselves.

To his most ardent, negative, detractors who sought to anger him. Dave was never petty, spiteful, or mean spirited, in any way. His response to them was always replete with polite, jovial, jocularity to which was humble & contrite.

He never stooped to taking the low road. Disarming his naysayers who, in the end, were charmed as well as taken aback at his gifted ingenuity of humor, which NEVER was in any mode or type of denigration or meanspiritedness in any way. But positive, as he won over them as well!
He certainly had style, appeal, charm, charisma, and class!

I loved Dave Thompson like a little brother, I was denied a lot of things in my life, not having a little brother is one of them, but David somehow fulfilled that cold, dark, empty void within me, and I was extremely lucky that providence gave me a surrogate little brother like Dave, even though it was for only a scant 3 1/2 years.

Too short.

I loved, cherished each, and every one of the seconds,minutes,hours and days that we were able to spend together until that untimely end.
To show you how selfless and altruistic David was, he donated his body to a local medical school for study with no pomp or pageantry.

Else-wise; David Thompson was to me a giant amongst men, and he wasn't just larger than life.... HE WAS LIFE!

Certainly one in a million who I shall never forget. I think in ending this Easter holiday that it's important to think of David Thompson not to focus on how he died, but rather how he lived as long as we...his friends and "family" in Propeller who loved him dearly, will always keep him alive in our hearts, and cherish his memory.

Take care dear reader; in knowing that he is no longer in pain or suffering, and that he is in a wayyyyyy better place than we are.

But we down here are all the more the lesser w/o him.

To Dave... I know your up there with your fellow angels, and making heaven joyfully happy with merriment in your presence, & as I've always said to you on the phone every time when we ended our conversations:
"Take care little brother...I love you."

Until we meet again up in that stellar, celestial road....G'Bye Dave...


Dave Thompson aka "Ind06"